Can My IUD Trigger BV? | V-Luxe
Posted by V-Luxe on on Oct 26th 2021
If you search the web for ‘IUD and BV’ you will find literally thousands of claims from women across the world who say they have been struggling with BV ever since they had an IUD inserted. More specifically, women with an IUD said that even after treating their BV with antibiotics, the infection comes back over and over again. Let’s dive in and see if it’s possible for your IUD to cause recurring bacterial vaginosis!
What Exactly is an IUD?
The term IUD refers to a small, T-shaped intrauterine device that is inserts into a woman’s uterus as a long-term way of birth control. They are made either of copper or plastic and some of them contain hormones. Copper IUDs can last for around 10 years, while hormonal IUDs have to be replaced every 3 to 5 years. You can always go see your doctor and ask them to remove the IUD earlier than that!
What is Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)?
BV is a type of inflammatory condition in the vagina. It is caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria. BV symptoms are often chronic and include an unpleasant fishy smell, extreme vaginal itching, burning, and overall discomfort. Other rare symptoms could include premature deliveries, increased susceptibility to sexually transmitted diseases, PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), and increased infection risk following gynecological surgery.
An “invisible” symptom of BV is the mental health toll. Many women find themselves embarrassed and ashamed of their BV, under constant anxiety the infection will come back before a big event or even a date night. If you are suffering from recurring BV, please know that you are not alone! It is estimated that 30% of women will suffer from BV in their lifetime. We’re all in this together!
Can it be True that IUD Causes Bacterial Vaginosis?
There’s increasing evidence that women with IUDs are more sensitive to BV infections. A 2017 study (1) revealed that six months after having the copper IUD inserted, 44% of women complained of BV compared to 27% among the general female population. That’s a 17% difference!
It’s not only the copper IUD that can increase the risk of BV either. In a second study (2) women who are using different birth control methods were monitored for BV for a 6-month period. Only 19% of women who used patches, rings, or oral contraceptives developed BV problems. For those who used an IUD, however, the BV infection rate increased to 37%. To put it in layman’s terms: nearly twice as many women using an IUD suffered from BV compared to those who used other forms of birth control.
What Other Problems do Women Using an IUD Report?
The copper ID in particular often also causes heavy and irregular menstrual periods. This heavy blood flow is believed to disrupt the microbial imbalance of the vagina. Apart from that research has also shown that bacteria like E.coli thrives on copper (3) and makes women more sensitive to UTIs.
Apart from having the IUD removed, the only other ways to deal with these infections are to either constantly use antibiotics or to restore the imbalance in more natural ways such as lifestyle changes, taking probiotics on a daily basis, or changing your diet.
Can hormonal IUDs also cause problems?
Things are a bit fuzzier when it comes to hormonal IUDs. Instead of reporting heavy periods, women who are, e.g., on the Mirena IUD often report not having any periods at all. In this case, the culprit that causes the BV is believed to be the IUD strings that irritate the walls of the vagina, and causing the infection that way.
The Importance of Taking Probiotics to Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis
Taking probiotics on a daily basis help women restore and grow their good bacteria count. The good bacteria produce lactic acid, an acid that keeps your vaginal pH level at 3.5 – 4.5 and prevents bad bacteria from overgrowing.
Another benefit of taking probiotics is that it helps replenish good bacteria after taking antibiotics (which you were probably prescribed if you were diagnosed with BV).
The Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease recently reviewed a large number of studies that have been carried out to prove or disprove this theory and found that most of them favored the idea of preventing BV using daily probiotics. More than that, the researchers reported no adverse side effects from taking probiotics on a daily basis!
V-Luxe daily probiotics were formulated to help women keep their vagina healthy and protect them from recurring bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. Our probiotics and 8 clinically studied strains of friendly bacteria, we guarantee our live CFU count through the expiration date, and we also include prebiotic – the food good bacteria love to eat and used to colonize in your body! You can purchase V-Luxe probiotics by clicking here.